Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Griffiths Teas

Thought my old mate Pete might like to see this shot as he mentioned the Griffiths teas sign in his blog a few weeks ago.
Apparently signs like this were placed all around the incoming lines at Sydney's central station

They should still do it...but I don't think Griffith's teas are still about.


Peter Ashley said...

Is this the WPB attic? I have Lyons Teas, Stamford News and Cadbury's Cocoa (Absolutely Pure & Therefore Best) on the walls of Ashley Towers, and a big yellow Colmans Mustard hiding in the shed next to my motor mower.

warmpommybeer said...

I wish ...but I do have an attic though ...and somewhere, well kept ..not lost just put somewhere safe within it ...is a little book handwritten in .01 rapidogragh by your good self containing quotes collected by you of chumps like me saying things like "look at all the condescension on the windows"